VAIO PCs Make a Comeback, Less the Sony Branding

Back in February of this year, Sony has decided to sell its Vaio brand to JIP (Japan Industrial Partners) which signals the entry of a new generation of Vaio products without Sony’s backing both in terms of R&D and branding.

Today, Vaio announced two new products (sort of) – the Vaio Fit and Pro in Tokyo, Japan. The two models are almost exactly the same in terms of specs and design to the models launched by Sony last year at Computex. According to the company’s CEO Takayuki Sekitor, they plan to uphold Vaio’s design principles that are centered on choices and focus.

At present, the company doesn’t plan to ship its products outside of Japan. According to Vaio, they are planning to ensure its success first in its homeland before venturing into other territories. Hopefully, future Vaio products will bring something new and different from what Sony has offered in the past.

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