Samsung Pushes Wi-Fi Speeds up to the 60GHz Spectrum

Samsung has just announced a new Wi-Fi technology that promises wireless transfer speeds five times the current standard. Dubbed as Wi-Fi 802.11ad, the new Wi-Fi tech enables data transmission speeds of up to 4.6Gbps or 575MB per second.

This means that a 1GB movie can be transferred between two devices under three seconds; at the same time, compressed videos can be streamed conveniently and without delay from mobile devices to a compatible TV.

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Although the 60GHz Wi-Fi technology isn’t exactly a Samsung original, it faced some troubles in the past that didn’t make it a viable option for manufacturers to adopt. For starters, unlike the existing 2.4GHz and 5GHz Wi-Fi technologies, 802.11ad has problems passing through walls and requires a direct line of sight for it to work.

Samsung said it has managed to work around this issue by developing the world’s first micro beam-forming control technology that optimizes the communications module depending on the environment. Moreover Samsung said it has developed a way to allow multiple devices to connect simultaneously to a network.

At the moment, Wi-Fi 802.11ad is still an unlicensed band spectrum though commercialization is expected as early as next year. Samsung is planning to incorporate the technology to its various products including audio visual and medical devices, telecommunication equipment and appliances part of the company’s Smart Home initiative.

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