Motorola will Finally Build a Nexus Device

Shortly before the release of the Nexus 5, there were rumors about which company will Google choose to produce the next Nexus phone. Back then Motorola wasn’t in the running since according to Google, the company hasn’t produced devices that meet their standards. And hence, LG became the hardware partner for the Nexus 5.

But now, it seems Google has changed its mind about Motorola, especially after it has infused the company with its technology before it was sold to Lenovo. According to a report by Android Police, Motorola is now working on a possible Nexus phone codenamed “Shamu” with a 5.9-inch display.

The phone will allegedly launch in Q3 2013 just in time for the release of Android L. There are also rumors that the device will have a fingerprint sensor. As for the rest of the specs, the device is said to have similar internals as the upcoming Moto X+1.

Aside from Shamu, HTC is also reportedly working on a Nexus device – this time a tablet with an 8-inch display. Whether or not these rumors are true remain unknown, but if their announcement dates are indeed scheduled on the third quarter of the year, then we won’t need to wait that long to fully get to know these devices.

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